The Building Blocks of UI Design

22 Feb 2024

My Introduction to UI Design

I wasn’t much of an artist growing up, but I always had a knack for making things look good. I think that’s why I was drawn to UI design. I’ve always been fascinated by the way that a well-designed user interface can make a program feel more intuitive and user-friendly. Before I started working with UI frameworks, the only way I knew how to make a website look good was by using CSS. This would’ve been fine about two and a half decades ago, but in today’s world, it is very difficult making a user-friendly website without the use of a UI framework.

Bootstrap 5

This is where Bootstrap comes in. I was introduced to Bootstrap in my first year at university and I was immediately hooked. We didn’t go too deep into it, but it made my webpages look much more modern and professional compared to my previous webpages which only utilized basic HTML and CSS. It’s incredible how even with just the simple implementation of a navbar can make such a huge difference in the overall look and feel of a website. From my own research, it seems like React is currently the most UI framework, which is something that I will be diving into in the near future.

Learning More Going Forward

I’m excited to see where the future of UI design is headed. I suspect that web development will only get much more intuitive as time goes on with new frameworks, especially with the emergence of AI tools such as GPT-3. I’m looking forward to learning more about these new technologies as it aligns with what I what I want to do in the future. Bootstrap 5 has been a great stepping stone into the world of UI frameworks.

Note: Github Copilot was used to fix any spelling/grammatical errors as well as suggest some of the content in this essay.